
We are always looking for talented and motivated individuals interested in joining our lab.
 Post-doc fellowships
We are always looking for motivated postdoctoral fellows with good track records. Strong canditates are always welcome to contact us, if you are interested in the option of applying for a personal fellowship / grant (see the list below). That would also imply you can design your own research project within the group.  Newly graduated post-docs are eligible for Veni (a Dutch grant for fresh PhDs i.e.<3 years) . Post-docs who are not associated with any Dutch institutes are eligible for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (a European grant for newcomers).

Other databases for fellowships TU Delft, MIT PDA

Doctoral positions
In Dutch academic system,  PIs have to write proposals to funding agencies and bring in projects to hire PhDs i.e. a position becomes available after the funding is granted. All the positions from granted projects have to be advertised in the link by law to ensure equal opportunity. In other words, no advertisement no available position. We occasionally accept highly qualified PhD students with merit based personal funding. In this case, contact lab PI.
Master and Bachelor projects
We have openings for enthusiastic and hard-working Masters/Bachelor students in our group. Contact lab PI for more information. Interested candidates will be send a list of available projects to choose from. Upon mutual agreement, master and bachelor projects will be conducted in accordance with lab rules and TU Delft regulations.